Amuseables Rose Bouquet is the floral gift that keeps on giving. A trio of soft red roses in full bloom with green suedette leaves and stems with stitched detail... En savoir plus
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Amuseables Rose Bouquet is the floral gift that keeps on giving. A trio of soft red roses in full bloom with green suedette leaves and stems with stitched detail are wrapped up in beige linen. Tied with a ribbon and wearing an embroidered smile, this wrap has fine cord arms wide for thorn-free cuddles.
- Sponge clean only;
- do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron.
- Not recommended to clean in a washing machine.
- Suitable from birth
Amuseables Rose Bouquet is the floral gift that keeps on giving. A trio of soft red roses in full bloom with green suedette leaves and stems with stitched detail are wrapped up in beige linen. Tied with a ribbon and wearing an embroidered smile, this wrap has fine cord arms wide for thorn-free cuddles.
- Sponge clean only;
- do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron.
- Not recommended to clean in a washing machine.
- Suitable from birth