Adaptateurs de siège auto

28 items

28 items
Bugaboo Donkey Twin Adapter for Maxi Cosi Car Seats
Bugaboo - Adaptateur Donkey Twin pour sièges auto Maxi Cosi
Bugaboo Donkey Adapter for Chicco Car Seats Twin
Bugaboo - Adaptateur Donkey pour sièges auto jumeaux Chicco
Veer Veer - Infant Car Seat Adapter
Veer Veer - Infant Car Seat Adapter
Veer - Adaptateur pour siège auto pour bébé
Veer Veer - Cruiser Infant Car Seat Adapter For UPPAbaby
Veer - Adaptateur de siège auto pour bébé Cruiser pour UPPAbaby
Veer Veer - Cruiser Infant Car Seat Adapter For Cybex/ Nuna/ Maxi Cosi
Veer - Adaptateur de siège auto pour bébé Cruiser pour Cybex/Nuna/Maxi Cosi
Nuna PIPA Infant Car Seat adapter UPPAbaby
PIPA Infant Car Seat adapter UPPAbaby
Veer Veer - Switchback Infant Car Seat Adapter for Chicco
Adaptateur de siège auto pour bébé Veer Switchback pour Chicco
Veer Veer - Switchback ICS Adapter
Veer Veer - Switchback ICS Adapter
Adaptateur ICS de commutation Veer
Bugaboo Donkey Adapter for Maxi Cosi Car Seats
Bugaboo - Adaptateur Donkey pour sièges auto Maxi Cosi
Bugaboo Fox Maxi Cosi Car Seat Adapter
Adaptateur pour siège auto Maxi Cosi Bugaboo - Fox
UPPAbaby Car Seat Adapter for Chicco
UPPAbaby Car Seat Adapter for Chicco
UPPAbaby - Adaptateur de siège auto pour Chicco
Bugaboo Kangaroo Car Seat Adapter
Kangaroo Car Seat Adapter
Cybex Gazelle S Car Seat Adapter
Cybex Gazelle S Car Seat Adapter
Cybex - Adaptateur pour siège auto Gazelle S
À partir de $69.95 Prix régulier $99.95 Épargnez $30
Bugaboo Butterfly Car Seat Adapter
Bugaboo Butterfly Car Seat Adapter
Adaptateur pour siège auto Butterfly de Bugaboo
UPPAbaby Ridge - Car Seat Adapters Maxi - Cosi Nuna, Cybex
UPPAbaby Ridge - Car Seat Adapters Maxi - Cosi Nuna, Cybex
UPPAbaby - Adaptateurs pour siège auto Ridge Maxi-Cosi Nuna, Cybex
UPPAbaby Car Seat Adapters for Maxi - Cosi, Nuna and Cybex
UPPAbaby Car Seat Adapters for Maxi - Cosi, Nuna and Cybex
UPPAbaby - Adaptateurs de siège auto pour Maxi-Cosi, Nuna et Cybex
Silver Cross Silver Cross - Jet Universal Car Seat Adaptor
Silver Cross Silver Cross - Jet Universal Car Seat Adaptor
Silver Cross - Adaptateur universel pour siège auto Jet
Silver Cross
Stokke Stokke - YOYO Car Seat Adapters
Adaptateurs pour siège auto Stokke - YOYO
UPPAbaby VISTA Car Seat Adapters (Maxi - Cosi, Nuna & Cybex)
UPPAbaby VISTA Car Seat Adapters (Maxi - Cosi, Nuna & Cybex)
UPPAbaby - Adaptateurs pour siège auto VISTA (Maxi-Cosi, Nuna et Cybex)
Clek Clek - Car Seat Adapter for UPPAbaby
Clek - Adaptateur de siège auto pour UPPAbaby
UPPAbaby Minu/V2 Car Seat Adapters (Maxi - Cosi, Nuna and Cybex)
UPPAbaby Minu/V2 Car Seat Adapters (Maxi - Cosi, Nuna and Cybex)
UPPAbaby - Adaptateurs pour siège auto Minu/V2 (Maxi-Cosi, Nuna et Cybex)
Peg Perego Peg Perego - Car Seat Links Adapter
Peg Perego - Adaptateur de liens pour siège auto
Peg Perego
UPPAbaby MINU Infant Car Seat Adapter for Mesa
UPPAbaby MINU Infant Car Seat Adapter for Mesa
UPPAbaby - Adaptateur de siège auto pour bébé MINU pour Mesa

Experience seamless transition between car and stroller with Macklem’s Baby Store. We offer a selection of premium infant car seats, including UPPAbaby, Britax, Bugaboo, Chicco, Clek, Cybex, Diono, Peg Perego, Nuna, Maxi Cosi, Silver Cross & Veer. Stroller adaptors let you attach your baby's infant car seat straight to the stroller, resulting in a one-unit travel system. This versatility allows you to shift your baby from vehicle to stroller without waking her up or having to take her out of the seat, which is extremely useful for day-to-day activities and errands. Car seat adapters for babies are designed to make your life easy and promote mobility, whether you're going to do chores or simply going for a walk. Our assortment contains adapters that fit most vehicles and infant strollers, allowing you to change and choose according to your needs. The adapters also have a suitable design that allows for the installation of the car seat on the stroller without sacrificing safety, as the car seat must fit correctly on the stroller rather than just being fixed. The adapters, constructed of durable and suitable quality materials and design, guarantee that your baby's car seat is firmly fastened, allowing for a stroll. If you currently have a stroller and want to use it with a different brand of car seat, the proper adapter will allow you to switch your travel system without having to buy new equipment. Browse the car seat adapters range at Macklem’s Baby Store and simplify your journey with your little one.