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Top Travel Strollers Of 2023

At the arrival of your little bundle of joy, you get overwhelmed with excitement at first. However, soon apprehension replaces joy when you want to accompany your baby while traveling. For that, you need a stroller that can be your perfect companion in travel: fit in the overhead compartment of an airplane, compact enough to be left at Grandma’s house, and easy to navigate through the crowded city streets.

In this article, we are going through some of the best travel strollers. If you are in search of a travel-friendly stroller, keep reading!



  • Weight of stroller: 6.2 kg / 13.7 lbs
  • Weight limit: 22 kg / 48.5lbs
  • Age range: 6 to 48 months
  • Basket range: 11 lbs
  • Approved cabin

With a weight of just 13 pounds, the BabyZen YOYO is a perfect lightweight stroller. The YOYO caters well to your baby from 6 months of age until 48 months; however, with the YOYO Newborn Pack, you can use it for your little one right from birth. With a carry-on padded shoulder strap, it’s convenient to carry along while boarding the plane, and then you can store it away in the overhead compartment as it is cabin-approved. The YOYO has a smooth push and a convenient zipper compartment just behind the handlebar where you can safely store your belongings during travel, like documents, cell phones, etc. With the sturdy and easy-to-maneuver BabyZen YOYO, you can easily catch the subway, hop on a bus, jump in a taxi, or fly.

YOYO² stroller 6+



  • Weight of stroller: 7.3 kg/16.09 lbs
  • Limit of weight: 50 lbs
  • Basket capacity: 8 kg/17.64 lbs
  • Approved cabin

Just launched in the summer of 2022, the Bugaboo Butterfly is one of the latest lightweight strollers. An ultra-compact stroller that gives you the privilege of super easy folding and unfolding so that you can enjoy total freedom during your daily commute or weekend travel. The compact fold facilitates its placement in car trunks and overhead compartments. With an impressive weight limit, no-rethread harness, extendable 4-panel breezy sun canopy, and an accessible and spacious under-seat basket holding up to 17 pounds, Bugaboo Butterfly is perfect to stroller for travel with you. Suit yourselves with a bunch of Bugaboo accessories to add further comfort to your and your little ones’ lives.

Bugaboo Butterfly



  • Stroller weight: 13.6 lbs
  • Limit of weight: 44 Ibs
  • Basket capacity: 11Ibs
  • Cabin approved

The Silver Cross Jet 3 has a latest version bringing further ease for parents by folding and unfolding just with one simple motion. Also, simply unbuckle the side latch, and Jet 3 pops up from its compact state in one fell swoop. The new genius buckle uses magnetic fastenings to clip together in 3 simple clicks. The Jet 3 is famous for its ultra-compact design; the stroller easily fits in your car trunk or overhead storage cabin. Besides folding like luggage, Jet 3 more or less behaves like luggage as you can pull the folded stroller along and it can stand freely when folded. The new basket is bigger and more approachable.

Jet 3 Super Compact Stroller



  • Stroller weight: 16.9 lbs
  • Weight limit: 50 lbs
  • Basket capacity: 20 lbs
  • Cabin approved for larger aircraft but on the safe side, check beforehand with your airline. You can use the Travelsafe Travelbag to carry MINU on flights.

With the same range of features you can find in the CRUZ or Vista, the UPPAbaby MINU V2 has the added benefit of strollers friendliness. This has been possible owing to its no-rethread harness, extended canopy, adjustable leg rest, and spacious basket holding up to 20 lbs. Moreover, MINU is suitable right from birth with the UPPAbaby Bassinet or MESA car seat with the addition of adapters. The compact MINU also stands when folded. On top of all, the UPPAbaby MINU V2 has a combination of a carry handle and a shoulder strap that enables you to carry it like a breeze during travel.




  • Stroller weight: 15 lbs
  • Weight limit: 50 lbs
  • Basket capacity: 10 lbs
  • Cabin-approved: It fits in most overhead compartments, but better check with your airline before boarding. Also, it comes with a travel bag that you can use on flights.

Nuna TRVL has an intuitive design with a sleek look. One-handed steering and exceptional manoeuvrability make traveling with it super easy. Simply push a button on the push bar, and Nuna TRVL self-folds into a super compact package that stands freely. With a weight of just 13.6 lbs (without the canopy and armbars), it's ultra-light to carry around with the arm bar. Also, you can create a strollers system for travel as it is compatible with Nuna PIPA car seats without any adaptors. Other useful features include an easy-to-access basket and a full-size UPF 50+ canopy.

Make your little one your strollers partner while picking any of the above-mentioned strollers. Happy travels!


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