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How do You Pick the Best Baby Car Seat in Toronto?

As a parent, you want the best for your child. New parents sometimes face difficulty choosing the right baby car seat in Toronto for their little ones. Most of us want everything in one package, including comfort, style, and ease-of -of use in a single seat.

Whether you need seats or for your pre schooler, rear-facing, forward-facing, or convertible seats, this article will help you decide how to pick the best option for your family. Let’s consider all the factors you need to ponder upon before making your purchase.

Infant Only Seats

These are the kind of seats in Toronto that can be used until your infant weighs 30-35 pounds or their head remains within an inch of the top of the seat. It is a rear-facing, bucket-style seat that most parents prefer to use during the first year of their baby’s life. Some of the benefits of using car seats are:

  • Lighter in weight
  • Portable
  • Easy to remove from the car without having to unstrap
  • Fewer chances of disturbing your baby’s sleep
  • The carrier from the top of the seat snaps in and out, while the seat remains in the vehicle.
  • It’s easy to click on your baby’s stroller. 

Some disadvantages of infant-only seats are:

  • Your baby grows will grow out of it soon.
  • You need to check its compatibility with your preferred stroller. 

All seats have a five-point harness and a newborn insert that parents use for their babies between 11 and 15 pounds. Between the age of 9 months to 2 years, most parents transition their seats to larger convertible seats.


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Convertible Seats in Toronto

Convertible seats are the best option if you want a product that will last for many years. Also known as a toddler seat or an all-in-one seat if it can convert to a booster seat later. Some salient features of these kinds of baby seats are:

  • Most can be installed either in the rear-or front-facing positions.
  • The minimum weight requirement for forward-facing riders is typically 20 pounds ( 1-year-old), but experts agree age 2 should be the minimum.
  • This all-in-one car seat will keep your child safe until they become 10 years if it has the option of converting into a seat.
  • Typically your child outgrows a forward-facing convertible seat when they hit the seat height or weight limit( 65 pounds and 49 inches). Also, if the harness strap can’t be placed at or above their shoulders, they should not wear it.

Like infant seats, the convertible seats also come with a five-point harness to restrain your kid. Although laws vary from state to state, most want parents to ensure their children are using five-point harnesses until they outgrow the seat’s height and weight.

When the gap between the top of the child’s head and the top of the car seat’s head is less than one inch, it shows your baby has outgrown the seat. These measurements are more helpful than overall height limits when the child has a long torso, as they may outgrow their seats sooner than usual.


Booster Car Seats in Toronto  

Unlike infant and convertible car seats, which have a five-point harness, the booster seat has only one means of restraint, the car’s safety belt. The purpose of seats is to raise your kid well above the car’s usual seat so that you can correct their position. This ensures that your kid has the safety belt positioned against the firm body parts like the legs and shoulders, not the soft parts like the stomach.

Booster seats come in two different versions: high-back and backless. Booster seats provide additional protection for the head, neck, and upper back. While backless seats are devoid of these benefits. If you need to choose between these two, go for these seats because of the additional protection until your child outgrows them.

Before shifting your kid to the seat, ensure they meet the following guidelines:

  • Your child should be a minimum of 38 to 40 inches tall and weigh at least 40 pounds.
  • Your kid should be at least 4 years old.
  • The child should accept the need to sit still in the car.
  • There is a risk of them getting injured with incorrect posture; they should avoid slumping over in the car.

You can keep your little one in a high-back seat until they cross the height or weight limit. You can do so even if their ears reach the top of the head restraint. Then you can shift them to a backless seat.

Your child can use the vehicle seat belt instead of riding in a booster seat:

  1. Between the ages of 8-12.
  2. They are tall enough to remain in one place or not slide through the seat belt if the car stops suddenly.
  3. They can keep their backs against the vehicle seat, with knees bent over the edge and feet reaching the floor.
  4. The seat belt snugs them properly, with it positioned across their collar bones, low on their hips, and touching the tops of their thighs.

Alta high back booster

Combination Car Seats in Toronto

A combination seat can be used as a forward-facing seat with a five-point harness for pre schoolers as well as a booster seat. Typically, combination seats work with a harness until your kid weighs 40-65 pounds. After that, you have the option of removing the harness and using it as a booster car seat with a belt. This can be used until your child reaches the weight limit of 80 to 100 pounds.

Wrapping it up

If you are a new parent, this guide might be a good source of information about helping you buy your baby seat. However, it's better to schedule an appointment with a certified child passenger safety technician to learn more about the proper usage of seats. 

The height and weight limits may vary from child to child; what matters is making sure the harness straps fit snugly on the kid’s body. Make sure the harness straps fit properly between the legs and over the shoulders. 

Always keep the manufacturer’s guide in view, and never place anything in or around the seat that has not been approved by the manufacturer. This includes blankets, coats, or car seat straps. Never compromise on quality, as your child’s safety comes first.

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