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10 Items to Keep at the Grand Parents’ Place

Parenting is not an easy task; it drains all of your energy while raising your little one. If you are fortunate enough to have close relatives in the form of your parents, you can ask for their help. When you often visit them, you need to keep certain baby items at their place for your convenience. Here is a list of things you may consider keeping at Grandma’s place.

A Basic Baby Rocker or Swing

No matter for what reason you are at your parents’ house— either to have their trusted opinion about child raising or to have a few moments of relief by handing over your baby to them—you need something safe and calming to put your little one. Also, as you are buying an extra baby item for their house, try to keep it economical while not compromising on quality. With infants, visiting a place often requires you to keep anything that soothes them, such as a rocker, bouncer, or swing.

For instance, the Baby Bjorn Bouncer Bliss 3D is a lightweight, economical, and handy bouncer. It can cater to babies from birth to 2 years of age. Another option is Bright Starts Bounce’n Spring, which provides hours of bouncing fun for the baby, does not cost much, and securely fits in doorways.

If you spend full days or nights at your parents’ or in-laws’ place, then you can invest a little more in a playard. The Nuna SENA Aire is a great option that can transition from a bassinet to a playard. When your baby is young, you can use the bassinet option for a sound sleep environment; after they grow older, drop the bassinet option and use it for playing.

Baby Bjorn Bouncer Bliss 3D

A Changing Spot for Baby

Another must-have thing for your baby is a reliable spot for diaper changes. Many diaper bags come with a changing pad that you can simply pull out, spread on a couch or bed, and change right away.

If you want a more comfortable changing spot for your little one, go for the Skip Hop Pronto Changing Station. With a thicker pad, it offers more comfort to your baby’s back, even if there is a hard surface underneath. The 2-in-1 changing station has a wipe-clean changing pad and a wipe case for refills. The Nuna Sena Changer is another option that you can attach to the Nuna Sena Aire Playard.

Nuna Sena Aire Playard

Convertible Car Seat

It seems unnecessary, but you can consider purchasing a convertible car seat instead of planning to have an extra base for the car seat. In this way, once your baby transitions out of the infant seat in your car, you can transfer a convertible car seat from parent’s car into yours.

The benefit of buying a convertible seat is its longevity of use from birth to many years, so it's a cost-effective option. Also, it gives grandparents the option to use it for multiple grandchildren with strap adjustments. Try out the Cybex Sirona S 360, Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, Nuna Rava Caviar, or the most economical Britax Emblem Fusion convertible seat.


Primo Viaggio 4-35 - Onyx                                                     Primo Viaggio 4-35 - Atmosphere

Portable Sleep Machine

If you already have one white noise sleep machine in your nursery at home, your baby is used to it. Instead of unplugging the sleep machine from your nursery and carrying it every time you visit your parents house, this portable machine is a better option.

Munchkin Portable Sleep Machine is a battery-operated machine equipped with a nightlight. Now, with this machine, you can create the perfect ambiance to put your baby to sleep wherever you go. A portable sound soother by Skip Hop or Yogasleep is another on-the-go sleep aid at very reasonable prices.

Portable Sleep Machine

Activity-Based Toys

If you plan to spend a day or more at your parents’ place, you need some activity to keep your little munchkin busy. If you don’t want to spend in an activity gym, some smaller and more reasonable options are:

  • Skip Hop Bandana Buddies: It is a multi-sensory toy that includes a rattle, teether, crinkle, mirror, squeaker, and more. You can attach it to the baby stroller handle, diaper bag, or car seat.
  • Bee Baby Crawl Toy by Skip Hop: This crawling toy challenges and helps your little one learn to crawl. The sounds, lights, and movement of this crawl toy keep your baby entertained.
  • Oball Toys by Bright Start: These are simple, chewable toys with bright colors that help your baby in the form of a rattle and teether.

Baby Feeding Aids

If you want to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, you might need a nursing pillow. You can put it in the diaper bag or place a separate one at your grandparents' house. Done by Deer Nursing Pillow or Kushies Bamboo Nursing Pillow are worth considering. As these pillows last for years without losing their shape, grandparents can use them for multiple grandchildren.

After your baby starts eating solids, it's better to find a comfortable spot for them to eat. An OXO Tot baby booster seat can make your baby sit and eat at the family table as young as nine months. With a 3-point harness, it keeps your baby well secured, while a soft, removable cushion adds more comfort.

Nursing Pillow Dreamy Dots White

An Audio Monitor

A portable monitor is a good option, as you can carry it wherever you go. Hubble Eclipse+ has a multi-color night light, 100s of preloaded lullabies and soothing sounds, and above all, Connect Chat feature that enables two-way communication between the child and the parent. With a portable battery, this audio monitor keeps you connected with your baby just with the push of a button.


Extra Onesies

Your baby is unpredictable, and so are their blowouts. Always be prepared and have extra onesies at your parent's house. You can keep organic cotton super cozy sleepers by Gerber Childrenwear.


As a parent, you soon learn that diaper wipes are never enough. Besides keeping a stack in the diaper bag, it's better to leave a package or two at grandma’s place. Aleva Naturals are biodegradable, ultra-moist, and hypoallergenic wipes that serve their purpose very well.


If your baby is used to having a pacifier, you need to place an additional one at your parent’s house. Avent Ultra Air Nighttime Pacifier is a good option designed to be found easily at night.

Ready to Go

Keeping in view the above-mentioned list, you are all set to visit your parents’ or in-laws house. You can spend ample time there while keeping your little one busy with activities or playing, getting sound sleep and you don’t have to worry about changing and feeding them.

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